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I Knew Love Lyrics

Album/Collection: Little Love Affairs
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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by Roger Brown

I knew love when it still meant forever
When a feeling shared didn't always have to hurt
And the promise that was made would go unbroken
I knew love when it was more than just a word

And I knew a time when hope was all you needed
And if you cared you found a way to make things work
And life was what two people shared together
Oh I knew love when it was more than just a word

    I knew love when I could still believe
	it was the greatest power in the world
    I knew love when it was more than just a word

I knew hearts when they made it all so easy
Sad good-byes were seldom ever heard
When I wouldn't have to read this note that says you're leaving
Yeah I knew love when it was more than just a word

I Knew Love Lyrics

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