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Wanted Lyrics

Album/Collection: Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Can't We?
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Sitting in an armchair
with my head between my hands
wouldn't have to be like this
if only you'd understand
to many misunderstandings
causing such delay
if it doesn't work like this
well, I'll try another way

Oh, this is the way you wanted
oh, I didn't understand
oh, this is the way you wanted
oh, I didn't understand

You know that all I wanted
was to be there by your side
if you didn't want it
well, you should have denied
you knew that you were someone special
right form the start
but if you treat me badly
we'd be better off apart

Oh, this is the way you wanted
oh, I didn't understand
oh, this is the way you wanted
oh, I didn't understand

Wanted Lyrics

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