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All in a Day Lyrics

Album/Collection: In Blue
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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All in a day she saw the face in the mirror lie
To her dismay she saw the child that was in her die
And she cried all the night
'Cause what she sees she doesn't like

I'm twisting (Twisting)
I'm turning (Turning)
I'm aching (Aching)
And it's burning
In one day
In one day

Just let me float, just let me drift on by (drift on by)
No more, no pain, I don't have tears to cry (tears to cry)

I'm twisting (Twisting)
I'm turning (Turning)
I'm aching (Aching)
And it's burning
In one day
In one day

I'm twisting
I'm turning
In one day
In one day (In one day)
In one day
In one day (In one day)
In one day
In one day (In one day)

All in a Day Lyrics

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